About Me
- Name: Eaglewing
- Location: Canada
Just a regular working stiff that enjoys the small things in life, talking about movies books and pop culture, creativity in any form, and letting the mind wander while staring at the night skyline...
I like to write. Check out my Original Stories:
- Tales of the Stranger 1/7
- Tales of the Stranger 2/7
- Tales of the Stranger 3/7
- Tales of the Stranger 4/7
- Tales of the Stranger 5/7
- Tales of the Stranger 6/7
- Tales of the Stranger 7/7
- Tales of the Stranger 8
- Tales of the Stranger 9
- Tales of the Stranger 10(1)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(2)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(3)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(4)
- Detective Ellis 1: Goodbye Angie
- Short Story: One Of These Mornings
- Short Story: Bus Stop 203
- Short Story: Tumbleweeds
- Short Story: 50 Feet
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Sign of Life 1/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 2/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 3/3
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Pappy's Balderdash
- Adventures In Fiction
- Comics Fairplay
- Atomic Romance
- Obsessions
- Reel Fanatic
- The Movie Blog
- Cinema Blend
- Film Junk
- Row Three
- ComingSoon.Net
- In Contention
- Apple Movie Trailers
- io9
- Warren Ellis
- Ed Brubaker
- Sean Phillips
- A Criminal Blog
- Major Spoilers
- ComixFan
- Lifehacker
- The Digital Bits
- TV Shows On DVD
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- Cult of Mac
- 9to5 Mac
- Apple Canada
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My Movie Reviews
- 03/12/09 Babylon A.D.
- 12/29/08 Valkyrie
- 12/15/08 South of Heaven, West of Hell
- 06/29/08 Payback: Directors Cut
- 04/30/08 Blast of Silence
- 04/13/08 He Ran All The Way
- 01/17/08 Too Late For Tears
- 01/10/08 Bourne Ultimatum
- 09/27/07 Black Snake Moan
- 09/11/07 Jackie Brown
- 07/29/07 Transformers
- 07/03/07 Pirates 3
- 05/10/07 Smokin' Aces
- 04/30/07 Hot Fuzz
- 04/15/07 300
- 03/25/07 The Black Dahlia
- 03/17/07 The Marine
- 03/07/07 Hoodwinked
- 01/21/07 Narc
- 01/03/07 Rumor Has It
- 01/02/07 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
- 12/11/06 Miami Vice
- 12/05/06 Water's Edge
- 12/04/06 Don't Come Knocking
- 10/31/06 F&F: Tokyo Drift
- 10/08/06 Lucky Number Slevin
- 09/10/06 To Have & Have Not
- 07/31/06 Copland
- 06/28/06 X-Men 3 (2nd)
- 06/26/06 Superman Stuff
- 06/06/06 X-Men 3 (1st)
- 05/28/06 Brick
- 04/09/06 LA Confidential
- 04/02/06 Ice Harvest
- 03/23/06 Ong Bak / Layer Cake
- 07/21/05 North by Northwest
Previous Posts
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Been Thinking About Leaving Long Enough To Change ...
- April Showers...Um, Snow
- Extract Trailer
- Wolverine Movie Leaked, FOX Earns It
- Burn Baby Burn
- A Hog On Ice
- Checkin' In
- Into The Sun
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- June 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
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- December 2005
- January 2006
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Me Mini Movie Reviews: Cop Land
![]() The movie centers around a fictional “Cop Land,” a rather peaceful town populated mostly of police officers and their families. The cops police the big city of New York across the river, but live in relatively crime free peace away from it. Stallone plays the Sheriff of this town. He’s overweight, a little slow on the uptake, and generally spends most of his time wishing he was one of the ‘real cops.’ He can never be though, because when he was younger, he jumped into the river to save a drowning girl and suffered hearing damage to one of his ears. Because of that, he can never pass the tests to become NYPD blue. So, the other big shots of the town basically gave him the Sheriff job as a consolation prize. What’s worse is, he knows it. He’s got a shit job doing not a whole lot and spending his life wishing it was different. Not only that, he has to watch the girl he saved and fell in love with married to another cop and living in the same town. Here’s a character that’s basically just killing time until something happens to force him to take a stand. One night, a cop is involved in a suspicious shooting of two youths on the New York Bridge. Then he apparently jumps to his death to the river below. This sets off a chain of events leading to corruption, cover-ups, and power struggles as the town of cops closes ranks to protect what they’ve built. More than one will have to choose sides, and Stallone’s Sheriff winds up in the middle of it and being forced to make a difficult choice. All the actors give fantastic performances, as most of the characters aren’t really black or white in what they’re doing (though some clearly are), but more shades of gray. Stallone gives the best performance, and it was really intriguing for me to see a character in a movie that’s half deaf and has to live with it. He doesn’t read lips or do sign language; he just can’t always hear what’s going on. There are some neat audio tricks done to give the viewer the sense of what its like to be in his shoes. When the alarm clock goes off and he’s sleeping on his good ear, you only hear a faint ringing noise before it comes on full as he rolls over. In the final shootout sequence, the audio is tweaked again to give the viewer the feeling of being in the Sheriff’s shoes and not being able to hear. The odd tone of bagpipes is used as an effective duplication of the buzzing tonal distortion he’s hearing. Then there’s the great line of dialogue where he puts on an old record of Springsteen and the girl he’s with tells him that he could get that on CD now in stereo sound. He looks at her and says sadly “It wouldn’t matter much to me” as he only hears in mono anyway. It’s a well played character aspect that isn’t ignored and becomes an integral part of the movie. Overall, it’s a good story well told and well acted. You’re not exactly sure as you watch it who’s going to come out of it alive and what choices some of the characters will make. It even throws in a twist or two you may or may not see coming (depending how movie cynical you are). I watched the director’s cut DVD, so that’s what I’d recommend as well. Verdict: Highly recommended. |
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Stop the Presses...
Well, ep 7 of The Stranger is finally pretty much wrote and finished. Just got to come up with a title and a graphic. And of course, leave it for a bit before rereading it again and see if its any good. Probably not, but I'll post it anyway :) Wrote three different endings, but I think I decided which way to go with it, which turned out to be my first idea back when I wrote episode 3. Like Jason Bourne said, "Consider all your options, but always remember your first instinct. It's usually the simplest and best." Maybe if it's a hit, I'll include them on a "Super Duper Special Platinum Director's Cut Edition" like they do with DVD's right before the crappy cash-cow sequel ;-) |
Friday, July 28, 2006
Some Movie News...
Some movie news… Just watched the new trailer for the movie The Black Dahlia over at Yahoo. Good looking trailer, and it’s from the author of LA Confidential. One of my faves, I thought the movie LA Confidential was great, and this looks to be in the same vein. Set in what looks like the ‘40s era and based on real life events, it focuses on two cops investigating the death of an actress – aka “the Black Dahlia.” One of the cops is played by Josh Hartnett, the other by Aaron Eckhart. Now, I haven’t really been a huge fan of Hartnett, but his stock went up considerably watching him play the hitman in Sin City. I have yet to see Lucky Number Slevin, but I heard he was really good in that as well. He seems to get the tone right here too. Maybe he should concentrate on these noir-ish movies with gritty voiceovers instead of romantic comedies. Oh, and by the way, Scarlett Johansoon and Hilary Swank are in this movie too. Should be good. Yahoo says its opening September 15th. Elsewhere, it’s been announced that X-Men will come to DVD on October 3rd. Of course, it’s coming in several editions. There’ll be a collector edition that includes a 100 page commemorative book with a new story penned by Marvel legend, Stan Lee. The big news, however, is that the DVD will include 3 (THREE?!) alternate endings. I knew there had to be a better ending…or at least that’s what I’m assuming :) The different endings will also have commentary by director Brett Ratner. There’s also going to be 10 deleted scenes included as well. (how could they have any deleted scenes from a movie that short?) Should be an interesting DVD…though I’m still waiting word on the inevitable double dip from Fox… And now for something different from Will Ferrell. Sure, his goofball comedies are his bread and butter, but lately he’s trying other stuff too. (Although I did laugh at the trailer for Talladega Nights where his two sons names are ‘Walker’ and ‘Texas Ranger’, most of his comedies aren’t my thing) There’s a new trailer you can download here (and I don’t think its QT7) for his movie Stranger Than Fiction. It’s pretty unique – basically about a guy hearing a narrator in his head commenting on things he does or is about to do…but there’s a twist. Looks really good, and it’s one of those ‘man, I wish I’d thought of that’ stories… |
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Read Fast...
Ever tried turning your Closed Captions on when watching TV? With my ear problems that come and go, it’s of interest to me. Watched a DVD movie or two with them on, and it helps. If I miss some dialogue, I can just read it and keep going. Obviously, the DVD’s get better CC editing than TV, or that’s just my guess. I watched an episode of House with CC on, and it was really well done. It said at the end that it was done by CaptionMax, so I’m guessing they’re a good company. Then I watched the Daily Show with CC on. Not as good. It lagged behind and had misspelling to boot. Now, that kind of show has rat-a-tat dialogue and the comedic timing between what you hear and see is crucial. So that was a little bit harder to follow, but still somewhat effective. The other surprise was that some commercials had CC, while some did not. It seemed that movie trailer commercials and TV show promos did not come with closed captions. Most, but not all, of the product commercials did have them. You’d think CC would be across the board by now. It’s an interesting test for yourself – I’d recommend everyone trying it. Turn the volume off and CC on and see what it’s like to have to live like that. It’s not easy… |
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Do It Again
Got some new comments on my X1 vid I put up on YouTube, so I went back over to check it out, and was astounded to see my vid has passed 550+ views in a month and half. That's nothing in the grand YouTube scheme of viewerships, but for my one little video, that's pretty damn cool. I've got some more vid ideas cooking now, so if my computer can chug through the compression and editing data, I want to put some more up there and see if I can rack up the viewing numbers :) |
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
What Do Your Movie Picks Say About You?
Cool article here about date movies, the selection process, and what the movie picked says about the person. I’m obviously not part of that crowd, but the article and comments were very interesting and proves what I totally agree with Rob from the movie High Fidelity where he says that WHAT a person likes is very important. Regardless of what the person would bring for a 3rd date movie as the article is mostly about (there’s a lot to choose from), I do think I have a movie trifecta that would be the perfect test:
Of course, there’s a bunch of other flicks that would be good too: Casablanca X-Men 1 Lost in Translation Heat LA Confidential Almost Famous Any Kevin Smith movie (of course, if she picks Chasing Amy, I’m gonna wonder…I’m just saying :) Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (or Men in Tights…either or, really :) Flesh and Bone While You Were Sleeping (if she insists on a rom-com, I can stand that one) Pure Country ![]() Note – just reread the movies I’ve put together here. That’s some kind of eclectic list, eh? |
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Watching a football game here...CFL - Winnipeg vs Montreal. The last minute or so of the first half was pretty good. Winnipeg was up 15-9, when Montreal coach goes for the onside kick, Montreal keeps possesion, then they get what looks like a touchdown. However, the refs ruled it incomplete even though Montreal challenged it and they went to instant replay. Of course, no ref is going to come out of the replay booth and say - "Oops, sorry, I goofed. It was a touchdown...carry on." So the ref stuck to his story of incomplete even though every replay they showed on TV looked like a touchdown. On top of that, Montreal got a penalty and gets bumped back 10 yards. But with seconds left on the clock, Montreal went for the endzone again, and this time Winnipeg got called for interference. So, with even fewer seconds left on the clock, Montreal gets bumped back up to the 1 yard line. On the next play, they pushed it in for a touchdown with 1 second left in the half. I don't care who wins the game, but that was fun to watch. They get robbed of a TD by the refs, and then go right back at it and score anyway with 1 second left. Sure, football can often be 90% sheer boredom, but you get down to the last couple minutes of a half in a close game, and it suddenly can get really interesting... |
How Do You Choose What To Watch?
Serial Dramas Prompt Questions for CBS The proliferation of quickly cancelled serial dramas on TV led to a questioning of CBS Pres Nina Tassler on Saturday. When shows get repeatedly cancelled without tying up loose ends, what are fans of the show to do? You're left forever wondering what would have happened. Well, reporters were asking about that and rightly so. Why should you take an interest in a TV show when there is such a high percentage chance it'll be cancelled before the first year is over? These questions led to the following: Asked if viewers might start to sour on such programs if they're repeatedly disappointed by cancelations, Tassler dismissed it as irrelevant, saying she didn't think audiences made viewing choices that way. Reporters then asked if Tassler was saying the viewers didn't care about being left in the plot lurch. After taking a couple of stabs at the question, the network executive said she recognized that viewers do care. Her assertion that viewers don't weigh the possibility a serialized drama could be yanked in deciding whether to watch prompted a disbelieving question from one reporter: "Are you serious?" Network execs certainly are out of touch with today's market. They've burned they're own viewing audience so many times, that most don't bother tuning in for new shows. Personally, I can't remember the last new show debuting that I was really excited about and followed from the beginning. Certainly my change to working night shifts and different days of the week over the past year and a half has worked against it, but I could always record something if I wanted to. However, in the last couple of years, there's been so little to do that for. Besides, thanks to the DVD market, TV shows are much better that way anyway. It is too bad that they're so quick to cancel. Most shows take a season to find its legs and really get firing on all cylinders. Anyone who's re-watched the first season of Seinfeld knows that show would never make it to season 2 in today's market. It took a season or two to really get going and then look what happened - best sitcom of all time. Imagine all the good shows we've been deprived of by itchy trigger fingers... |
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Happy Trails...
A really funny line from Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report tonight as he was interviewing Tony Hawk and they were sitting in uncomfortable bean gab chairs instead of the usual studio chairs: "I'm wearing Indian underwear, and they're creeping up the trail here." :-) |
Not That Bad...
Calif. man makes bad writing judges cringe - Yahoo! News An annual contest in San Jose for bad writing awarded the following passage the winner (or loser?): "Detective Bart Lasiter was in his office studying the light from his one small window falling on his super burrito when the door swung open to reveal a woman whose body said you've had your last burrito for a while, whose face said angels did exist, and whose eyes said she could make you dig your own grave and lick the shovel clean," Guigli wrote." Sure, it's a little over the top and convoluted at it's attempt at noir cynicism...but lose the burrito bit and the last part about licking the shovel clean and it's not too bad. Oh well, I guess if I don't ever win awards for good writing, there are awards for bad writing to shoot for :) |
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Rocky 6 Trailer
Well, I’ve seen the official trailer for Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky 6 that is now online, and it actually has me interested in seeing this. (Stupid Yahoo – changed their settings and I can’t download and save their trailers anymore). I haven’t even seen Rocky 1-5, but know enough of the basic plot lines. Still, when they announced Rocky 6, I wasn’t too interested at all, but this trailer may have won me over. They are definitely going about the storyline right, in my opinion. Showing the clear age issue of Rocky, and whether he has one more bout left in him, and if he even should fight. Some of the lines in the trailer are great too (Pauly has one of the best with “What, you haven’t peaked yet?”) It’ll be young vs old, speed vs power, and one more Rocky bout – coming this Christmas to a theatre near you… |
Monday, July 10, 2006
Size x Distance + Price - Common Sense = Braincramp
Matsushita to sell record 103-inch plasma TVs - Yahoo! News A 103 inch TV? That'd be cool, for sure...however, just how far back would you need to be for optimal viewing distance? Running it through an online calculator, it comes to a little under 26 feet. So get out those tape measures and save your quarters - this won't come cheap... |
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Pirates 2 Breaks Records
Depp's 'Pirates' plunders record $132M - Yahoo! News Wow. Everyone knew this was the 900 pound gorilla of the summer movie season, but a $132 million opening weekend is mind blowing. Everybody - and I mean everybody - is apparently going to see this. I knew there was a reason I stayed away from theatres this weekend ;-) What's even more surprising is that this is in spite of some pretty lackluster reviews of the film. Obviously, the surprise factor of the first one is gone, but some reviewers didn't like it anyway. However, I don't know what it is as I haven't seen it yet, but I've read that the ending is worth the price of admission alone and I think I read somewhere to be sure to stay through the credits too. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie, but with crowds like this, it'll be a week or two before I brave the high seas adventure known as the awful movie theatre going experience... |
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
A New Tune...
Huh...everytime I'm ready to write off Toby Keith as a one-note singer and a one-trick pony with radio friendly but ear bleeding 'nothing' tunes like "Get Drunk and Be Somebody", he comes along with a helluva good country song out of nowhere. This time around it's his new song "A Little Too Late." Love the song, hate the video though. It's fine and all, but plenty stupid. Regardless, the song is good and perfect for the 2am truck drive home... It's a little too late I'm a little too gone I'm a little too tired of this hangin' on So I'm lettin' go While I'm still strong enough to It's got a little too sad I'm a little too blue It's a little too bad You were too good to be true I'm big-time over you, baby It's a little too late No, I don't wanna talk about What we can do about us anymore Only time you will be wastin' Is the time it takes To walk right out that door Yea, talk about water under the bridge You should know by now, girl That's all this is There was a time This heart 'a mine Would take you back Everytime, don't you know That's been two packs of cigarettes A sleepless night A nervous wreck A day ago Hey, you ain't got no business Comin' around I'm closin' up shop Shuttin' us down I'm big-time over you, baby It's a little too late A Little Too Late by Toby Keith (Toby Keith/Scotty Emerick/Dean Dillon) |
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Stranger Things...
Yep, still working on Episode 7 of the Stranger series. I've still got to write the front end (its basically already done in piecemeal in a text file on my hard drive), but I've written the original ending thought I had. Then I wrote another version. Decisions, decisions...Do I want to setup the obvious prequel/sequel or just end it? Did anyone even catch the one-line sequel storyline seed? Do I want to write more of these characters? Who knew the last chapter would be the hardest to write, but not for the reasons you'd think? No wonder comic book writers miss deadlines :) On a different note - I'm not a fan of the daytime hours...I prefer the night. But I always loved the early morning light. I'm watching it get light here and the sky is a beautiful red/orange/blue mix of cloud, light, and sky. Very, very cool... |
Oh Canada, Don't Tax Break My Heart...
Well, Happy Canada Day...for yesterday...or something like that. We get a huge, mega tax break too! Oh thank you, oh noble, honest, and generous Government for bestowing us lowly working minions with a whole 1 percent off the GST. Bet you politicians felt really good doing that too, thinking it was something special. All the while, every Canadian who read that in the paper wound up thankful for national health care as we pulled muscles we didn't even know existed from laughing so hard. That's called a tax break?! Get real. Abolishing the GST altogether - now that would have been something special... Anyway, what else we got? After that great Spider-Man 3 trailer, I spent a couple hours reading the comic history of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, MJ, and Venom on the Wikipedia site. I least now I know what some of those shots in the trailer mean and where they come from. Here's betting that Spider-Man 3 will be bigger next year than Superman Returns is this year...should be a great flick...Want to go see Superman Returns too...but will have to make sure I've got close to 3 hours for it. It runs 157 minutes. That's the kind of time X-Men 3 should have had. Got my Walker Season 1 DVD set from Amazon.com...cheaper than around here. Fun watching the early shows again in quality DVD. They spared no expense on the set too - not one special feature or extra, and not even animated menus or music on them. You get the shows and thats it. I wouldn've liked to see outtakes or something. With all the karate chops, there has to be clips of things going wrong :) The first couple seasons were good and a lot of fun to watch. They even embedded some story lines that would have been interesting to see play out (except for Larue, they never did.) Somewhere along the line things changed, and the show eventually wound up being a parody of itself near the end. At any rate, I can now watch the early shows whenever I want... Speaking of which, I wish I could come up with an economical system where I could convert and store seasons of these shows digitally and be able to pick from them and watch a show at a moments notice...without getting out the DVD and wading through the opening FVI warnings and logos crap. It be nice to have a season of Rockford, Miami Vice, Walker, Angel, Firefly and so on available on a hard drive or something with a TV output and just be able to quickly pick an episode and go. That and have the DVD quality. I don't want to rip it and lose quality in the process. That'd take some massive Hard Drive space, I bet. Maybe it's time to dig a little deeper into Myth TV...sounds like that might have potential... |