About Me
- Name: Eaglewing
- Location: Canada
Just a regular working stiff that enjoys the small things in life, talking about movies books and pop culture, creativity in any form, and letting the mind wander while staring at the night skyline...
I like to write. Check out my Original Stories:
- Tales of the Stranger 1/7
- Tales of the Stranger 2/7
- Tales of the Stranger 3/7
- Tales of the Stranger 4/7
- Tales of the Stranger 5/7
- Tales of the Stranger 6/7
- Tales of the Stranger 7/7
- Tales of the Stranger 8
- Tales of the Stranger 9
- Tales of the Stranger 10(1)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(2)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(3)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(4)
- Detective Ellis 1: Goodbye Angie
- Short Story: One Of These Mornings
- Short Story: Bus Stop 203
- Short Story: Tumbleweeds
- Short Story: 50 Feet
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Sign of Life 1/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 2/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 3/3
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Pappy's Balderdash
- Adventures In Fiction
- Comics Fairplay
- Atomic Romance
- Obsessions
- Reel Fanatic
- The Movie Blog
- Cinema Blend
- Film Junk
- Row Three
- ComingSoon.Net
- In Contention
- Apple Movie Trailers
- io9
- Warren Ellis
- Ed Brubaker
- Sean Phillips
- A Criminal Blog
- Major Spoilers
- ComixFan
- Lifehacker
- The Digital Bits
- TV Shows On DVD
- The Apple Blog
- Cult of Mac
- 9to5 Mac
- Apple Canada
- Amazon.com
- Google Maps
My Movie Reviews
- 03/12/09 Babylon A.D.
- 12/29/08 Valkyrie
- 12/15/08 South of Heaven, West of Hell
- 06/29/08 Payback: Directors Cut
- 04/30/08 Blast of Silence
- 04/13/08 He Ran All The Way
- 01/17/08 Too Late For Tears
- 01/10/08 Bourne Ultimatum
- 09/27/07 Black Snake Moan
- 09/11/07 Jackie Brown
- 07/29/07 Transformers
- 07/03/07 Pirates 3
- 05/10/07 Smokin' Aces
- 04/30/07 Hot Fuzz
- 04/15/07 300
- 03/25/07 The Black Dahlia
- 03/17/07 The Marine
- 03/07/07 Hoodwinked
- 01/21/07 Narc
- 01/03/07 Rumor Has It
- 01/02/07 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
- 12/11/06 Miami Vice
- 12/05/06 Water's Edge
- 12/04/06 Don't Come Knocking
- 10/31/06 F&F: Tokyo Drift
- 10/08/06 Lucky Number Slevin
- 09/10/06 To Have & Have Not
- 07/31/06 Copland
- 06/28/06 X-Men 3 (2nd)
- 06/26/06 Superman Stuff
- 06/06/06 X-Men 3 (1st)
- 05/28/06 Brick
- 04/09/06 LA Confidential
- 04/02/06 Ice Harvest
- 03/23/06 Ong Bak / Layer Cake
- 07/21/05 North by Northwest
Previous Posts
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Been Thinking About Leaving Long Enough To Change ...
- April Showers...Um, Snow
- Extract Trailer
- Wolverine Movie Leaked, FOX Earns It
- Burn Baby Burn
- A Hog On Ice
- Checkin' In
- Into The Sun
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- June 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
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- April 2011
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Creative Accounting 101
Fascinating article here from theJay.com about how the summer box office bomb Evan Almighty just managed to cross the 100 million dollar domestic mark with some creative numbers, and why that would be important to the players. It's also an interesting look at the behind the scenes money deals in Hollywood. A movie made strictly for money and no other reason that bombed and then spent money to make money to wind up spending more money. Just weird. Only in Hollywood... |
Monday, September 24, 2007
Monday Night TV...
Nothin' New...
Yep, I'm still around. Still getting over this month long flu bug...or venomous virus of vitriolic variations. Getting better though, bit by bit, but it's awfully slow going. Cough is finally starting to back off...although I can still hack up a lung if I'm talking. Good thing I'm not verbally verbose. Speaking of which, haven't been too creative lately either, hence the lack of posts. Just nothing to say... But let's see what we've got anyway...anybody like the new hockey jerseys? So much for tradition. And I don't know how many pre season highlights I've watched where I didn't recognize the teams right away too. Guess every team has new uniform designs to sell. Ugh. Hot rumors going around that there will be new updated Macbooks and Macbook Pros soon. Maybe even coming with Leopard in October, or in the first quarter of '08. The Pro is in much need of an update for sure. I wouldn't mind having one, except I hate the keyboard on the Pro. The Macbook is nice, but it has low quality graphics (if you want to run higher end programs or, ahem, games) as does the Mac Mini and the iMac has the annoying glass screen of reflection. So, each part of the lineup has a stroke against it which is why I haven't bought one yet. However, if they upgrade the laptops with better graphics cards and the bluetooth style keyboard on the Pro, my options get better. The laptops will supposedly be thinner too. October is almost here, so we'll all know soon enough. Odd temps around here lately too. Right now it's 7 degrees at night - not bad for fall. But on Tuesday it'll be 28 degrees during the day! Where is the cool fall weather I like?! At this rate, the leaves might start turning around Christmas... |
Thursday, September 20, 2007
More Apples...
Well, that was good. I'm aiming for some more fresh fruit and veggies in the diet and so for a snack tonight I chopped up a Delicious Apple, sliced in some banana, sprinkled on the cinnamon, stirred it around, then added the secret weapon - 100% Pure Canadian Maple Syrup. Yep, that was good. And speaking of apples, I dropped into the nearby Future Shop before grabbing my groceries tonight to have a quick look at the new 24" iMac. I managed to suppress my coughing fits for a little bit and took a gander at the latest all in one. A beaut of a machine, but I fear it wouldn't be for me. Love the screen size, the new thin keyboard, and the design - but that glossy glass screen is a catch 22. Depending on what's on your screen and the lighting around you, the thing would pop and look stunning. But with any light behind you and/or black on the screen, and it is reflection city. That kind of glare and reflection could drive you nuts depending on the setting. So that's one Mac out of my upgrade equation... |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Here and There...
Well that was fun. Two weeks later, I'm coming around again after a nasty flu bug of some sort. I'm still coughing and talking like an 80 year old whiskey drinking smoker, but at least I can breathe again. I figure another two weeks, I should be almost back to normal... On the upside, I watched some DVD's, got some rest, and watched the Food Network wishing I could reach through the screen to get at some of the creations. Once I get a little better here, I might even try a recipe or two myself... Did write the 3rd Stranger 10 tale too...now I'm just pondering and rewriting. And rewriting... Caught the last half of an episode of the new Tv show K-Ville, and it looked pretty good. Think I'll try to tune in for it. It focuses on cops in a post Katrina New Orleans. I believe it's filmed in New Orleans as well, so there's a realism to it. They had a bit much of shaky cam in the action scenes, but they did have a car chase and chained down helicopter and rescuing a drowning victim all inside the last 10 minutes, so I'll tune in for more. The two lead cops are played by Cole Hauser and Anthony Anderson, and the characters have checkered pasts of their own, so that adds more drama too. And who knew Anthony Anderson could play a dedicated cop in a non comedic role? Looks like this show could possibly be good, but since it's on Fox, I'm sure it'll be canceled soon enough... |
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Finally, The Search Is Over...
Tonight I was back on the divx video site - stage6.divx.com - looking at music videos and finding a lot of good ones. Clicked on the 'country' tag and was just going through the pages straight downloading anything that caught my eye (didn't even watch first, just hit download. Gotta do that with these video sites. What's here today can easily be gone tomorrow). So, in the process of downloading 2.19 gigabytes of divx quality videos, what do I happen to stumble across?![]() The album Haywire came out in 1994, and that song has probably been my favorite ever since. (Went out and bought the tape; pretty much ran a hole through it). What got me tuned into Springsteen too. But I always liked Ledoux's version best. With the advent of high speed internet later on, I have been looking for this vid for years now hoping somebody somewhere would upload it. And I finally found it - in excellent divx quality too! Downloaded it right away, and just in time. Next vid I clicked on, the site was down for maintenance or something. If you want to see it, you can get to the webpage here, or try this download link. (Just tried it myself - left click on it, then save it. Don't try right clicking and saving the link.) That made my night, I tell ya. |
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Me Mini Movie Reviews: Jackie Brown
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Time For Hockey...
Friday, September 07, 2007
Good, Bad, and Ugly...
Well, this sucks. First a bump up in hours - which is good - then I of course get sick four days before my quarterly kidney checkup - which is bad - then 2 movies I have been anxiously waiting to see open on the same weekend and I can't go see them - which is ugly. On the up side, I took one day off from work and managed to get sick, get a wicked sore throat, get worse, get a fever, sleep all day, break the fever, get some more sleep, and get back to work for a half shift all inside 24 hours. Weird. But at least I'm getting better - I think. So I can't go to the theatre this weekend, gotta rest for the checkup on Monday, then with my night shifts I can't go for the rest of the week. Besides, I could catch a flu bug or something in a crowded theatre anyway - oh wait, got that covered already. I guess it'll be another week before I can catch 3:10 To Yuma and Shoot 'Em Up. After a dismal summer of movies, I was looking forward to these two. Of course they'd both come out on the same weekend that I can't go. So, instead, I'll keep working through my sizable (with lots of unseen) DVD collection. Tonight I watched The Driver. Cool movie - a couple good car chases the way they should be done - no CGI. Cool characters, minimal dialogue, and good driving. Worth checking out. And now back to bed to power rest before the next shift... |
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
The Boss Is Back.
First single here from Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band's upcoming album Magic - coming Oct 2. Song is "Radio Nowhere". I just wanna feel some rhythm... |
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Nothin' New...
Well, with my hours bumped up at work plus overtime, looks like my anemic posting rhythm goes on. Plus, I just don't have much to say these days. On the upside, I should be able to pay for a Mac in October without worry. And apparently there is an announcement coming from Apple on Sept 5. Rumor has it new iPods will be debuting featuring a version of Mac OS. That should be interesting. All I know is that my little blue Shuffle is the best 60 bucks I ever spent... |