About Me
- Name: Eaglewing
- Location: Canada
Just a regular working stiff that enjoys the small things in life, talking about movies books and pop culture, creativity in any form, and letting the mind wander while staring at the night skyline...
I like to write. Check out my Original Stories:
- Tales of the Stranger 1/7
- Tales of the Stranger 2/7
- Tales of the Stranger 3/7
- Tales of the Stranger 4/7
- Tales of the Stranger 5/7
- Tales of the Stranger 6/7
- Tales of the Stranger 7/7
- Tales of the Stranger 8
- Tales of the Stranger 9
- Tales of the Stranger 10(1)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(2)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(3)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(4)
- Detective Ellis 1: Goodbye Angie
- Short Story: One Of These Mornings
- Short Story: Bus Stop 203
- Short Story: Tumbleweeds
- Short Story: 50 Feet
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Sign of Life 1/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 2/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 3/3
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Pappy's Balderdash
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My Movie Reviews
- 03/12/09 Babylon A.D.
- 12/29/08 Valkyrie
- 12/15/08 South of Heaven, West of Hell
- 06/29/08 Payback: Directors Cut
- 04/30/08 Blast of Silence
- 04/13/08 He Ran All The Way
- 01/17/08 Too Late For Tears
- 01/10/08 Bourne Ultimatum
- 09/27/07 Black Snake Moan
- 09/11/07 Jackie Brown
- 07/29/07 Transformers
- 07/03/07 Pirates 3
- 05/10/07 Smokin' Aces
- 04/30/07 Hot Fuzz
- 04/15/07 300
- 03/25/07 The Black Dahlia
- 03/17/07 The Marine
- 03/07/07 Hoodwinked
- 01/21/07 Narc
- 01/03/07 Rumor Has It
- 01/02/07 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
- 12/11/06 Miami Vice
- 12/05/06 Water's Edge
- 12/04/06 Don't Come Knocking
- 10/31/06 F&F: Tokyo Drift
- 10/08/06 Lucky Number Slevin
- 09/10/06 To Have & Have Not
- 07/31/06 Copland
- 06/28/06 X-Men 3 (2nd)
- 06/26/06 Superman Stuff
- 06/06/06 X-Men 3 (1st)
- 05/28/06 Brick
- 04/09/06 LA Confidential
- 04/02/06 Ice Harvest
- 03/23/06 Ong Bak / Layer Cake
- 07/21/05 North by Northwest
Previous Posts
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Been Thinking About Leaving Long Enough To Change ...
- April Showers...Um, Snow
- Extract Trailer
- Wolverine Movie Leaked, FOX Earns It
- Burn Baby Burn
- A Hog On Ice
- Checkin' In
- Into The Sun
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
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- June 2005
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
TIME Interview
TIME interview with Joss Whedon and Neil Gaiman Cool TIME interview here with two of the icons of current geekdom. Pretty interesting, actually, even if its from over a year ago... |
Only Classic!
![]() But beyond that, it’s actually a pretty good movie about two guys – friends since school – hitting thirty and trying to figure it out. Lot’s of great dialogue and solid performances. Plus, its got William Shatner in a great self-deprecating performance sending up his Star Trek persona and Audie England shows up too. Why don’t I see anyone like that in my comic book shop? :) |
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
It's Christmas!!! Merry Christmas to all the readers and commenters (hey, is that a word?) that have visited the Eagle's Roost. Hope you are well and enjoying the holidays in whatever form you choose to celebrate. Bring on the turkey and the candy! ;-) Be safe out there... Eaglewing |
Tales of the Stranger: Episode 8 (A Prequel)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
It's A Mission...
And that's how you do your Christmas shopping. I'd been putting it off (hey, I'm a guy), but tonight being the last night I could do it, I braved the maniacs out there and hit the stores. Remarkably, it wasn't as bad out there as I was expecting. The mall was nuts, but others stores weren't too bad at all. I planned the mission, figured in Plan B's, then executed it perfectly. Where necessary, I had to "improvise, adapt, overcome" [bonus points if you know what movie that's from], but 4 hours later I was all done, everything good to go for Christmas. Ahhh...bring on the eggnog, crank up the Elvis Christmas tunes, and to all a good night! I won't be in the stores this weekend - bwhahahaha!!! ;-) (yes, I know, I got lucky :) |
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Shooter Trailer Online
![]() It's based on the book Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. I read the book some time ago, and it's quite good. I think they've miscast Wahlberg as the central character of Bob Lee Swagger, though. He was older in the book - a Vietnam War veteran - who was assisted by a young FBI agent who believed his innocence. Looks like they're both the same age in the movie. If they keep the twists and turns from the book - and above all, the book's ending - it'll still be good. The trailer shows promise as it looks like they're zeroing in on the sniper aspects of the plot. I hope they don't blow it, since it was a good book. You can download the trailer here. |
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hit or Miss...
![]() Finally got my boxes from Amazon. Yay, Christmas a week early. Got lots to absorb here now - The Superman Ultimate Collectors Edition (pretty cool case too) with 14 DVD's (will finally see Superman Returns now)...Clerks 2 (been waiting to see this one)...Kevin Smith Evening Harder (the first one was some of the funniest stuff ever, looking forward to this one)...Bones Season 1 (a rare FOX series that wasn't cancelled in its 1st season)...The Punisher Extended Cut (looking forward to the 17 extra minutes, but that's some odd packaging)... ![]() I've said it before - as much as I'd like to support Canadian companies with my spending dollars, you can't beat Amazon's prices. The Superman collection and the Brisco set were more than half off compared to what stores were selling them for around here. Same goes for the Punisher hardcovers - and that's assuming I could even track them down in a store around here. It's a shame to have the money go stateside, but I'm not going to get hosed double the price just to shop on the home side of the border... Out and about in the stores, the Christmas music selection leaves a lot to be desired as a lot of the classic songs sung by new singers are getting massacred. Sure, they want to put their own new 'creative' spin on things, but just sing Jingle Bells without all the extra foofaraw. Having said that, if you want something new, try Sarah McLachlan's 'River' from her Christmas album. (You can watch it here) Wouldn't think of it as a Christmas song necessarily, but it works. You could also see it as a tune used in an episode of Due South... |
Friday, December 15, 2006
Here and There...
The Die Hard 4 trailer is out. You can watch it from YouTube over on The Movie Blog, or download it in glorious Quicktime from Movie-List here via CinemaBlend. I don’t know – it seems ok, but it doesn’t give me the excitement level I was hoping for. A clearly CGI shot, no dialogue from Bruce, and a lame ass title (Live Free or Die Hard), work against it. Of course, it’s just a teaser, so I’m hoping a full trailer will come out that gets me excited. They have to make this worth the Die Hard name, and not just another action flick. Bruce Willis will be fine in this, I’m sure, it’s the director I’m worried about. The teaser doesn’t jump at you and yell “Die Hard Movie!!! Yippie-Kay-Ay!!!”. It just lacks the look and feel of a Die Hard movie, and if we’re talking look and feel, you have to blame the director. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Bruce saves the movie and the world in Die Hard 4. Watched the end of The Lost Room the other night. It was an interesting sci-fi mystery, with more mystery than anything really. I thought it was pretty good, although I didn’t quite get the ending. I mean, it kinda made sense, but since I didn’t see the first part, maybe I missed something. Peter Krause and Julianna Margulies did very well in it though, so if this shows up on DVD sometime, I’ll probably check the thing out again in whole. And this is just plain cool. The US third successful hand transplant patient is recovering well and is ‘right on track’ with the therapy. He’s looking forward to throwing a ball. Wow. Transplanting a hand and having it work is just amazing… |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Movie Notes...
Just a couple movies notes here...![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I just saw a commercial on TV for that little alfalfa sprout grower, the Chia Pet. However, this time they were letting us know it's the 25th anniversary of that thing. What the?! 25 years? I remember seeing those commercials as a kid, and up until this new one, they haven't changed a bit. 25 years of alfalfa goodness. I feel old. |
Monday, December 11, 2006
Me Mini Movie Reviews: Miami Vice
![]() Going into 2006, there were three movies on my must see list. This was before the late year end ‘good movie’ push. Those 3 were X-Men 3, Brick, and Miami Vice. I saw the first 2 in theatres, but passed on Miami Vice due to bad reviews even though I loved the trailers. I wouldn’t have cared about the bad reviews, but the general consensus I read indicated everyone mumbled their lines. That kept me from shelling out 10 bucks to see this in theatres. At the time, my ears were giving me problems, so I figured I would wait until I could put subtitles on with the DVD. Well, I finally watched the movie tonight. First of all, I loved it, and don’t quite know where the bad reviews of “all style, no substance” were coming from. Of course the movie has style – in spades – but there is a plot and substance if you pay attention. Maybe it’s not anything mind blowing, but there is a story there, where you’re not sure how it’s going to play out with the choices the characters will have to make. It’s not your ‘80’s Vice, for sure, but I liked the updated grittiness that director/writer Michael Mann brought to the big screen version. The movie looks amazing – the Miami and Central America locales are filmed beautifully. And as always with a Michael Mann movie, the music is like an additional unseen character adding resonance to the scenes. The actors did well – Colin Farrell played the unpredictable Sonny Crocket ably, while Jaime Foxx brought a certain cool intensity to the Tubbs character. Some reviews thought they played it too coolly and detached, but these are supposed to be undercover cops – pros that don’t let emotions rule them. I thought it worked well, and when things did get close to home for the characters, the detachment was left behind. Naomi Harris and Gong Li did good jobs as well, as the two female leads, although I did have to turn on subtitles for some of Gong Li’s scenes. She admittedly struggled with the English dialogue, though she certainly did admirably well at it. Which brings us back to the first point – the mumbling. Except for maybe a couple scenes, I didn’t think it was an issue. I could understand Farrell and Foxx without a problem, so I kind of wish I had ignored the reviewers and gone to the cinema. Like the Michael Mann movie Heat, when the action hits the screen and the guns start to fire, it’s a realistic, violent, and visceral part of the movie. You won’t see machine guns shot from the hip spraying bullets around while missing the broad side of a barn. The guns are aimed, and the shots count. I appreciate that kind of realism in a movie. When I want brainless action, I’ll watch a Michael Bay movie or Arnie’s Commando. In a Mann movie, I know the action sequences aren’t just going to be eye candy, although they are certainly choreographed well. Also, as someone who has read novels with tactical police/military jargon, I liked hearing that kind of language throughout the film. I could see how that might put some people off if they don’t know what it means though. This is a darker cop thriller that is miles away from the ‘80’s TV show of the same name. If you are one that is really attached to that Miami Vice, you probably won’t like this 2006 update. However, if you’re looking for a good undercover police thriller from a good director, check this one out. In comparison to other Mann movies of similar genre, I would say it isn’t as good as Heat, but I liked it better than Collateral, which I enjoyed as well. Now I just have to get the soundtrack… Verdict: Probably not for everyone. Recommended for fans of serious cop thrillers. |
A Playlist Fit For A Mix Tape...
After rewinding the credits of the movie Don't Come Knocking just to listen to the music 10 times in a row, I used the program SVRecorder to make MP3's out of it. I had to, because I couldn't find a soundtrack album for it anywhere on the internet. Then I built a new playlist with other songs I have. I dare you to find a better hour and a half of music anywhere on the radio ;-) I Just Got Back From Hell - Gary Allan Tougher Than The Rest - EmmyLou Harris Better Off Without You - EmmyLou Harris Don't Come Knocking - Bono & Andrea Coor (Movie Track) Picture (Long Version) - Kid Rock & Allison Moorer I Ain't Giving Up On You - Allison Moorer Baby Dreamer - Allison Moorer Anything But Mine - Kenny Chesney Young Man's Town - Vince Gill Something's Broken - Tim McGraw Open Season On My Heart - Tim McGraw Looks Aren't Everything - Mark Collie Memories (Still Missing Her) - Mark Collie Mendocino County Line - Willie Nelson & LeeAnn Womack Goodbye - EmmyLou Harris Nothin' But The Wheel - Patty Loveless If I Should Fall Behind - Faith Hill Let Her Go - Mark Collie See If I Care - Gary Allan Lonely Man - T Bone Burnett (Movie Track) The Last Heart In Line - Dwight Yoakam Last Stand In Open Country - Willie Nelson & Kid Rock |
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Just Another Day...
I think I'll take a moment, celebrate my age The ending of an era and the turning of a page Now its time to focus in on where I go from here Lord have mercy on my next thirty years Hey my next thirty years Im gonna have some fun Try to forget about all the crazy things Ive done Maybe now I've conquered all my adolescent fears And I'll do it better in my next thirty years My next thirty years I'm gonna settle all the scores Cry a little less, laugh a little more Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear Figure out just what I'm doing here In my next thirty years Oh my next thirty years, I'm gonna watch my weight Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers Maybe I'll remember my next thirty years My next thirty years will be the best years of my life Raise a little family and hang out with my wife Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear Make up for lost time here, in my next thirty years In my next thirty years... Sung by Tim McGraw Album: A Place In The Sun |
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
In The House
Caught the rerun of the first season episode of House, "Three Stories". Dr. House's backstory is revealed in this ep, and it's pure storytelling at its finest. This is a fantastic show. I came to it late, but I try to catch the episodes whenever I can. Great acting, sharp writing, humor and drama all in one show. Then after House, the network here airs the next episode of GG. With the current state of drek that show is, talk about a culture shock and a two hour lesson in good writing versus really bad writing. This brings up a point I read on a forum - wouldn't it be great if TV shows could be run like movies where you have a beginning, middle, and end? Figure out what the show will do in a certain amount of seasons, and then end it on purpose with a planned story. Instead we have the current design of padding out storylines as long as the network picks up the show and the money is there until people get sick of it and stop watching. Then it's cancelled at a low end of creativity. A lot of shows stretch it out too far instead of wrapping it up when the story still makes sense. Or worse, they get cancelled without wrapping things up at all. I think its time for a TV redesign... |
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Me Mini Movie Reviews: Water's Edge
![]() I was in one of those used DVD/CD stores perusing the sale bin, when I saw a movie I’d never heard called Water’s Edge. What caught my eye was the name Nathan Fillion as a headliner. The story sounded like an interesting thriller, and being it was priced below the cost of a weekly rental at Blockbuster, I picked it up. It’s an alright little movie. It’s kind of a thriller in the vein of an old film noir where your unassuming everyman gets caught up in a situation that turns into a mess and he has to react to protect himself and those around him. Fillion and Chandra West play a married couple that move out to a cabin outside a remote town to get away from things and rebuild their lives after something tragic happened. It’s a little slow moving at the beginning and you have to infer why they moved there, but it’s revealed quickly. After a fight between the two, Fillion’s character goes for a run through the nearby woods and stumbles onto a situation where he has to make a decision that changes everything. From there, it’s a ‘who did what’ cat and mouse game for survival. Nathan Fillion is really the main reason to watch this flick. He’s good in it, doing a milder version of his Mal Reynold’s character from Firefly. He’s got that capability to react with deadpan humor in bad situations and comes across as a man who is smarter, more dangerous, and unpredictable than he let’s on to those around him. Unfortunately, the rest of the cast is a bit of a mixed bag of nuts. The two female leads are a little stiff in their acting delivery, but Daniel Baldwin shows up to add a bit of evil smarminess to the proceedings. The plot is easy to follow after the first five minutes, and if you know film noir cynicism, pretty much every plot point is telegraphed about 20 miles away. Beyond that, the locations are nice to look at from the surroundings where they filmed in BC, Canada. If you’re a Browncoat, it’s worth checking out for Nathan Fillion. He’s always fun to watch. Otherwise, it’s a decent little flick that’s probably a pass for most people. It’s from 2003, so if you see it on cable some Saturday afternoon, give it a look. Probably not worth the full price of a rental, unless you can get it even cheaper, like I did. Verdict: Wait for TV. |
Monday, December 04, 2006
Me Mini Movie Reviews: Don't Come Knocking
![]() This was a pleasant surprise of a movie. It’s not for everybody, but I enjoyed it. It’s a modern western tale of an aging, once-famous, cowboy actor, played by Sam Shephard, “coming to the end of…something” and trying to piece his life together into something he can live with. One day, on the set of a movie, Howard Spence (Sam Shephard) decides he’s had enough and just up and leaves. No one can find him on set, and so an insurance agent, played by Tim Roth, is dispatched to track him down. Howard, though, heads for home and to see his mother that he hasn’t seen in years. His mother, played wonderfully by Eva Marie Saint (North by Northwest fame), gives him a place to hide for a brief interlude while also letting slip that he has a son in Butte, Montana. Howard didn’t know, and the shock of the news seems to set him on the path to trying to figure out where his life has gone and what to do with the rest of it. He heads to Montana, and that is where the bulk of the story takes place amongst a handful of colorful characters trying to sort out the connecting paths they seem to be on. The movie is definitely slow paced, and the editing could have used some work, as it’s a little disjointed at the beginning until you get a sense of the characters. Once you’re into the story though, it’s worth the trip. The cinematography of Montana and the soundtrack are worth the spin of the DVD alone. The music is fantastic, overseen by music producer T Bone Burnett, and includes the title song “Don’t Come Knocking” written by Bono of U2 and sung by him with Andrea of the Coors. The actors are all top notch, especially the veterans. Sam Shepherd, who also wrote the movie, along with Jessica Lange, and Eva Marie Saint, are perfect in their roles. Tim Roth plays a by the book, yet quirky, insurance agent who is determined to find Howard and bring him back to the movie set to finish his contract. Gabrielle Mann plays the angry son to a T. However, it’s Sarah Polley that comes across the best of the younger actors with an understated and level headed portrayal of the young girl with a connection to Howard who is probably the most well balanced of the bunch. Don’t Come Knocking is a meandering, sometimes sad, sometimes funny, tale of a man trying to figure out what his life has meant. It’s a great looking movie with really good music and well-written dialogue. It’s not a perfect movie, but it’s certainly worth the viewing if you don’t mind slow paced character revelations or, like me, anything remotely western. Verdict: Recommended. Definately worth the rental. |
Friday, December 01, 2006
Sixteen Percent...
Well, Nanowrimo is now Nanowrino-more-o... I didn't even come close to what my goal was - 25,000 words - let alone the 50,000 completion. I did however, write 8,203 words of a new story. I'll keep writing at it, and see if it becomes the second story I actully finish :) It was fun, but just didn't have the time considering what other stuff was going on in November. Maybe next year... Till then, I have 8,203 words written that I didn't have before, so that's something... |
The Punisher - Director Interview
![]() Excellent interview here with the writer/director of the movie The Punisher (the good one with Thomas Jane, not the one with Dolph :) Note, there are some spoilers about the included storyline on the Extended Cut DVD, but there's some really interesting behind the scenes info here on how they made the movie. For an action film, it was a shoe string budget. I thought it turned out well, and the lack of budget probably explains the old school stuntwork instead of heavy CGI. I really liked The Punisher movie, and am anxiously awaiting the Extended Cut that's coming in my next goodie box from Amazon... Reading the article, it's clear just how hard it is to get a movie from concept to completion. I'd imagine it's even more so with a first time director, not to mention the meddling from the studio execs and the marketing guys. He states in the article that the decision to open the film opposite Kill Bill 2 was made by the marketing guys at Lionsgate. Why that boneheaded move was done will go unanswered for now though, as JH doesn't go into it. The good news is that he and Thomas Jane are at work on a sequel, that should eventually get made. They're still dealing with script issues - as in how to do urban action sequences on another shoe string budget. I hope a sequel gets made, as I'm a fan of The Punisher character and comics. The Punisher grahic novel Born, and the comic The Tyger, are two fantastic character stories by Garth Ennis that really show how Frank Castle became The Punisher and why. And, on just a plain storytelling level, they were stories that had me do a 'woah' at the end :) |
Now That's A Review
Movie Review for National Lampoon's Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj I've read reviews of a bad movie where the reviewer rips the flick a new one, but this one from CinemaBlend takes the cake. I haven't seen Van Wilder 2, but I think this review probably has better lines in it than the movie ;-) |