Captain's Log...Reboot
"Captain's Log, 11,26,2008: Crashed landed the space pod on a rock in the third vortex from the fire ball. It's an inhabitable planet with strange customs and stranger local citizens. They have more than they could want and yet through a confounding misuse of a fraction of available cranium voltage, they steadfastly march toward an impending doom of self produced proportions. On top of that, I have contracted a virus from these life forms that has caused my machinery to become corrupted and I will have to degauss the atom chips before I am operational again. Will send more reports once repairs complete. Captain Out." Ahem. Well, that little bit of prose basically is to say I am down sick of the locals and sick with the flu and have been off work for the last couple days as well. Lucky I have sick days. As it is, I'm starting to feel better today and will get back around to normal in the next few days. For now, I'm just sleeping and chilling and watching episodes of Miami Vice and enjoying what I can of this brief respite from the normal grind even though I feel like 40 miles of bad road. Oh well, I'm on the way back up and I got to miss work for a couple days, so that's not bad. So till I'm back around, I've got the orange juice handy and the music of the month, Dwight Yoakam on repeat... The only time I feel the pain, Is in the sunshine or the rain, I don't feel no hurt at all, Unless you count when teardrops fall, I tell the truth 'cept when I lie, It only hurts me when I cry You couldn't tell it by this smile But my recovery took a while I worked for days and nights on end Just to walk and talk again You can't believe the time it takes To heal a heart once it breaks Oh maybe every now and then I have a small heartache again You wouldn't know to look at me Those tiny scars that you can't see It was a struggle to survive I'm probably lucky I'm alive The only time I feel the pain, Is in the sunshine or the rain, I don't feel no hurt at all, Unless you count when teardrops fall, I tell the truth 'cept when I lie, It only hurts me when I cry by Dwight Yoakam |