Thursday, October 20, 2005

"Rocky" Returns! - Yahoo! News

"Rocky" Returns! - Yahoo! News

The '80's called, they want they're self-respect back. Not that they ever had any. With Harrison Ford coming back with another Indy installment, I guess this was only a matter of time. A Rocky 6 and a Rambo 4 on their way to a theatre near you. Should be interesting - if Stallone, who is writing the screenplays for both, can come up with an interesting story, then great. But if they're only doing this for money and because Hollywood can't come up with anything original, great. (and when they do get something original, they don't properly promote it, like Serenity ;-)

I wonder if Rambo will be using old-fashioned stunt work or CGI. Let's see Rambo do bullet time Matrix moves. Yikes.

So what's next in movie sequels and remakes? Who knows - maybe we'll even get a "Tango & Cash 2 - We're Cookin' Now!"

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