Thursday, October 20, 2005

Days Go By...

Well, Keith Urban is actually coming to Copps in that's a concert I'd like to go to. Still, I can't see spending fifty plus dollars on the ticket (plus tax and other fees). He's got a new DVD out too of a live concert selling for close to twenty bucks, so maybe finding that used would be the better option...

Kind of funny though - as much as I love music and how important it is to the soundtrack of my life, I have never been to a live concert. Maybe someday I'll actually get to one...but then, it'd probably be too loud for my ears and I hate crowds, so maybe I'll just stick to DVD's and MP3's. Speaking of hating crowds, remember the free concert in Central Park by Garth Brooks? I remember seeing the shots from the sky of the crowds below. Talk about a sea of humanity. I would have hated to be in the middle of that...

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