About Me
- Name: Eaglewing
- Location: Canada
Just a regular working stiff that enjoys the small things in life, talking about movies books and pop culture, creativity in any form, and letting the mind wander while staring at the night skyline...
I like to write. Check out my Original Stories:
- Tales of the Stranger 1/7
- Tales of the Stranger 2/7
- Tales of the Stranger 3/7
- Tales of the Stranger 4/7
- Tales of the Stranger 5/7
- Tales of the Stranger 6/7
- Tales of the Stranger 7/7
- Tales of the Stranger 8
- Tales of the Stranger 9
- Tales of the Stranger 10(1)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(2)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(3)
- Tales of the Stranger 10(4)
- Detective Ellis 1: Goodbye Angie
- Short Story: One Of These Mornings
- Short Story: Bus Stop 203
- Short Story: Tumbleweeds
- Short Story: 50 Feet
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Sign of Life 1/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 2/3
- Short Story: Sign of Life 3/3
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Pappy's Balderdash
- Adventures In Fiction
- Comics Fairplay
- Atomic Romance
- Obsessions
- Reel Fanatic
- The Movie Blog
- Cinema Blend
- Film Junk
- Row Three
- ComingSoon.Net
- In Contention
- Apple Movie Trailers
- io9
- Warren Ellis
- Ed Brubaker
- Sean Phillips
- A Criminal Blog
- Major Spoilers
- ComixFan
- Lifehacker
- The Digital Bits
- TV Shows On DVD
- The Apple Blog
- Cult of Mac
- 9to5 Mac
- Apple Canada
- Amazon.com
- Google Maps
My Movie Reviews
- 03/12/09 Babylon A.D.
- 12/29/08 Valkyrie
- 12/15/08 South of Heaven, West of Hell
- 06/29/08 Payback: Directors Cut
- 04/30/08 Blast of Silence
- 04/13/08 He Ran All The Way
- 01/17/08 Too Late For Tears
- 01/10/08 Bourne Ultimatum
- 09/27/07 Black Snake Moan
- 09/11/07 Jackie Brown
- 07/29/07 Transformers
- 07/03/07 Pirates 3
- 05/10/07 Smokin' Aces
- 04/30/07 Hot Fuzz
- 04/15/07 300
- 03/25/07 The Black Dahlia
- 03/17/07 The Marine
- 03/07/07 Hoodwinked
- 01/21/07 Narc
- 01/03/07 Rumor Has It
- 01/02/07 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
- 12/11/06 Miami Vice
- 12/05/06 Water's Edge
- 12/04/06 Don't Come Knocking
- 10/31/06 F&F: Tokyo Drift
- 10/08/06 Lucky Number Slevin
- 09/10/06 To Have & Have Not
- 07/31/06 Copland
- 06/28/06 X-Men 3 (2nd)
- 06/26/06 Superman Stuff
- 06/06/06 X-Men 3 (1st)
- 05/28/06 Brick
- 04/09/06 LA Confidential
- 04/02/06 Ice Harvest
- 03/23/06 Ong Bak / Layer Cake
- 07/21/05 North by Northwest
Previous Posts
- Short Story: 100 Feet
- Short Story: Getting Somewhere
- Been Thinking About Leaving Long Enough To Change ...
- April Showers...Um, Snow
- Extract Trailer
- Wolverine Movie Leaked, FOX Earns It
- Burn Baby Burn
- A Hog On Ice
- Checkin' In
- Into The Sun
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- June 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- April 2011
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Extract Trailer
Courtesy of Cinematical, a new trailer is out for Mike Judge's new comedy Extract. This has the workplace comedy/misery feel of his Office Space cult classic, and has some genuinely funny moments in the trailer, at least for me. Compared with some of the...let's say unique individuals I work with (and who doesn't?), this really hits the nail on the head of workplace dysfunction. I love the bit where one woman's flip out over who's doing what leads to a brutal chain reaction of events. I could just see that happening too. Anyway, enjoy the trailer and look forward to this come Labour Day. |
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Wolverine Movie Leaked, FOX Earns It
The internet is awash in buzz (at least the sites I frequent) about the leaked and pirated Wolverine movie. Somebody dropped this thing on the world - a month AHEAD of it’s theatrical release date. Movies winding up on the ‘net is nothing new, but something of this kind of blockbuster status being leaked early certainly is. Reportedly it’s DVD quality too, not some shaky cam job either. This isn’t great for the Wolverine movie, and it’s really bad for Fox Studios who are really worried about Box Office dollars now, but I gotta say it looks good on ‘em. ![]() Still, having this leaked and possibly ruining Fox’s tentpole release of the year must be some kind of karmic backlash. Consider all the ways Fox has screwed it’s product’s fan base and gone out of its way to damage good shows/movies over the years, I can’t help but feel like Nelson on the Simpsons and point at Fox and go “Ha-Ha!” Gotta say Fox, you earned this one. But it doesn’t stop there. Oh no, Fox has to up the ante. After swearing legal vengeance on whoever leaked it (or downloads it) and even troubling the FBI over it and asking movie web sites and the fan community not to download and review the film early, I read this over on CinemaBlend.com: ...today when Fox News reporter Roger Friedman posted a review, on FoxNews's website, of the recently pirated, illegal copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. As CinemaBlend’s Josh Tyler goes on to write: “let the implications of that sink in.” Really, it’s a doozy. Now, while Fox comes out to indicate News and the Movie studio are different entities and Friedman is a freelance writer, it still boggles the mind they’d let this happen. Go ahead and read the entire article by Josh Tyler and you have to shake your head at the incompetence shown by FOX. After complaining non stop about movie piracy for eons, and getting a lot of facts wrong along the way, and trying to make their product as difficult as possible to get to the fans, and now begging the online community to ignore the leak, they wind up with an early review of a downloaded, illegal, pirated version of Their Own Movie on Their Own Website! Kudos to you FOX - you have attained an EPIC FAIL. If you ever open your mouth about pirated content again after this, I hope you’re laughed out of town. It’s just really too bad it had to happen to the Wolverine movie. The first X-Men movie is one of my all time faves, and I’m a huge Wolverine comic fan as well. I’ve been waiting for a solo Wolverine movie for a long time, and now all this drama has to surround it. After the first awesome trailer, I’ve been avoiding any further clips/trailers/spoilers like the plague. I’ll be going to the theatre to see this, no doubt, but I’ll be regretting the fact my money is contributing to Fox - the worst movie studio of all time. In the end, the Wolverine movie and those that worked on it don’t deserve this. However, Fox Studios, the corporation and CEO, certainly does. Way to go karma. |