Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Slice It Up...

The other day I saw an ad on the side of a bus for something called the Slice channel. What the heck is that? And why is it on the channel where the Life Network used to be? What happened to the Life Network? Not that I care, but apparently they just changed their name to Slice and tweaked the lineup a bit. Now it’s basically a rerun of the Women’s Network with a slightly hipper rap. (I modified it, but does anyone know what movie that line comes from?)

I don’t watch either channel much, since there’s rarely anything good on either one. However, there was the occasional show of interest on the Life Network. The Bridezillas show was a good one. Basically it was a one hour commercial pointing out all the reasons guys want to stay single. The train wrecks of female humanity on that show were awesome. Complete meltdowns. I can’t believe any of those guys went through with the wedding. Poor buggers. If I were in their shoes and my bride to be was doing stuff like that, I'd be fast in my truck putting foot through the firewall on my way out of town...

So anyway, if you are looking for the Life Network, look for Slice instead. Or better yet, read a book…

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