Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This n That

Been out of the loop for a few days of work and trying to sleep.  But another week is here, so we march on with this and that.  Got a story percolating in the back of the brain, but nothing quite crystalized yet...

Hmm, movies, what have we got there?  Terminator 4 is going into production and will be a PG-13, which effectively lowers my interest to "wait for weekly rental".....new trailers for The Dark Knight and Indy 4 are out on the web....The Dark Knight just looks awesome, and I think the late Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker is going to blow people away....Indy 4 trailer is good too with some good lines and action, should be good.....Iron Man made another 50 million while the new movie of the week, Speed Racer, barely made 20 million in it's debut....hello flop, goodbye profits.....I guess nobody really wanted to see nausea inducing color explosions of CGI.....and I'm one of them....and have you seen the commercials for the new Adam Sandler comedy You Don't Mess With the Zohan?  Wow, does that look bad.  Not even one laugh there.

Finally, after too long, I gave my PSP another go at getting converted video behaving on it.  I got around to updating the firmware, and now I can just drop MPG4 or H.264 vids into the Video folder and away we go.  It actually works!  This is how it should have been in the first place, instead of Sony's brain dead and archaic renaming / numbering system hidden 4 folders in.  Now I can watch TV shows or movie bits while I'm on my lunch break at work.  It'll do quite nicely until I determine if I can afford an iPhone once Rogers unleashes that bill nightmare on Canadians...

Comments on "This n That"


Blogger Keanan Brand said ... (May 13, 2008 1:46 AM) : 

A cell phone is not in the budget, nor is cable/digital satellite for the television, but both are on my wish list.

A reminder of how upside down the world can be: A thirteen-year-old kid where I work was showing off his iPhone and complaining about how old it is (OLD?!?), and that his dad has promised to get him a new one. (choke, gag, muttered sarcastic remark)


Blogger Eaglewing said ... (May 14, 2008 3:18 AM) : 

Well, you're not missing much on the Cable TV front.

An old iPhone?! That is bizarre. And that kid is spoiled.


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