Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Get Yer Trailers

Went to the Apple Trailers page, and finally found some new ones had been posted up. Check 'em out.

The one movie that right now would be on the top of my list for 2008 is none other than Rambo 4. The trailer is perfect, and it may just wash away the bad taste of the movie landscape that was the dismal year of '07. It may even do the impossible - get me back into a theatre and pay theatre money to see it. Check out the trailer here in glorious Quicktime HD, it's worth saving the download - if your computer can handle it, watch the 720 version. If not, enjoy the pic I threw together. This is gonna be awesome - action movie done right.

Rambo 640 Trailer
Rambo 480 Trailer
Rambo 720 Trailer

Next up, No Country For Old Men. I've talked about this one before, but the trailer is sharp, this looks fantastic and seems to be getting great reviews. Once I see a showing around here, I'm going to see if I can make it out.

No Country 720 Trailer

And then there's Jumper. People with teleportation abilities are living the high life until Sam Jackson tracks them done or something. Not sure on the actual plot, but the trailer looks like a lot of fun CGI action in crazy ways. Probably a rental, but it looks fun.

Jumper 640 Trailer
Jumper 720 Trailer

Comments on "Get Yer Trailers"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (December 12, 2007 5:02 PM) : 

I managed to see No Country For Old Men recently, and while it is a good movie, the trailer makes it look more action packed than it is.

The expectations that the trailer sets up aren't exactly met by the movie, in my opinion. You get something good, but different. After seeing it, I probably could have waited for rental.


Blogger Eaglewing said ... (December 13, 2007 3:51 AM) : 

I'm not expecting it to be a lot of action. I figure it'll be more of a eccentric character study or something. Still want to see it though, but with my tendencies it'll probably be rental. Thanks for the info on it though.


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