Monday, January 29, 2007

Huge TV Sale

Huge TV Sale -

Here's a heads up - a pretty big sale on TV DVD Sets at Amazon. You've got your Whedonverse (Buffy, Angel, and Firefly), The Shield, That 70s Show, both seasons of the underrated Dead Like Me, and even the great Brisco County Jr among 136 different sets on sale. Check it out if you've been waiting to get some good TV shows. Most of these sets are 50% off too!

Been getting into Brisco County Jr, which I bought from a previous Amazon sale, and it's as good as I thought. I remember seeing the odd show back during its first run of only one season in '93 and thinking it was pretty funny. Another show ahead of its time with mixed elements. Whereas Firefly brought the Western to Sci-Fi, Brisco brought the Sci-Fi to the Western. I think Brisco was a precursor to Captain Mal. And of course, who doesn't like Bruce Campbell :)

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