Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nuts to Honey...

Ok, since I'm obviously blogging to myself here, ;-) I just Googled it myself. Interesting info here about not feeding honey to children under one, infant botulism, and as a side note - women shouldn't eat peanuts during pregnancy. All stuff I didn't know before, all because of a note on the side of a honey container...inquiring minds and all that...

Comments on "Nuts to Honey..."


Blogger Eaglewing said ... (March 24, 2006 3:26 AM) : 

Thanks. Maybe they should call Blogger "Bugger" instead. It goes down a lot. The last weekend, people couldn't post pictures, but I have a way around that so it didn't stop me. Still, you never know when the whole thing is gonna go "poof".


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