Sunday, December 04, 2005

I'd Rather Go To Vegas...

I accidentally flipped into this show the other night called Bridezilla. Now, it’s not the kind of thing I’d normally watch – I mean, a show about Brides planning their wedding? Come on, really now. But this was fascinating in a “I Can’t Look Away From This Train Wreck” kind of way. It shows these women turning into complete psychos planning the “perfect” wedding for their big day. As they obsessively cover every single detail of how it’s going to look, they seem to completely lose sight of what it’s all about. The show was covering three different women’s stories as they went about getting ready for the big day. Viewing what these women turned into, I wouldn’t want to be friends with any of them, let alone marry them. I kept watching, thinking don’t these women have any friends or family in their lives that are close enough to them to come along and slap them upside the head and tell them the point of the whole thing was getting married for a lifelong commitment to someone you love and not what fork goes beside what color centerpiece? Only one had someone say something – the future father-in-law put things in perspective as the girl was wigging out about a detail of her wedding dress. He reminded her how there’s always more important things and that as you go on and have kids and become concerned about them and their education and so on, there are only more and more headaches. He was surprisingly nice about it and she seemed to get the point. In the end, the most revealing comment came from the groom after the wedding was over and the gal was calm and smiling he said “She’s back now,” indicating the girl he fell in love with wasn’t the version everyone got as wedding planner. Still, that’s just kinda sad…

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