Friday, February 04, 2005

Thanks for nothing....

So, Bush's plans for the new budget include upping defense amounts and cutting farm funds. What the hell? So Bush winds up winning the election thanks in large part to the Red states, which as anyone who has seen the red/blue mapping realizes, is the heartland. In other words, a lot of the farmers. I'm not exactly sure who voted for who, or if the farmers were in support of Bush, but from a casual look at things, it appears the majority were. The thanks they get for getting this guy back in office is over half a billion dollars in cuts to their funds next year and $5.7 Billion (yes, with a B) over the next ten. Thanks a lot. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, drop a bomb on him and he'll eat and cost you no more...

Yahoo! News - Bush Plan Would Up Defense, Cut Farm Funds

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