Sunday, September 18, 2005

In the Air Tonight...

I love the night. It's quiet, calm. It lends itself to looking inward and looking back. Memories seem to float to the surface easier, quicker than during the day. Sometimes that clarity can help with the present.

There's just something right about staring at a night skyline. If you're lucky to not be near a city at the same time and can actually see the stars, even better. Still, a city skyline and city lights can make a nice substitute. Match the right music to the night and it just doesn't get any better. It takes a certain type of person to rather be awake at night than during the day - to feel more alive at night.

I am that type of person, and for the first time in seven years, I'm not fighting it anymore. The hell with what 'normal' people do and expect. I've never been or ever will be 'normal'.

I'm the Eaglewing, and it's a good night for flying...

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