Thursday, February 10, 2005

'24' Storylines Getting Complaints

"Hello, political correctness, I was wondering when you'd show up. I guess you're stretched pretty thin these days, as everything under the sun needs to be complained about. No, no, I understand you're busy, I wasn't ridiculing thinness, fatness, the sun, or chronic complainers. Please don't start a campaign. In fact, I was going to suggest you maybe take a breather, and -- No, no, that wasn't sarcasm. Ok, ok, just tell me what needs to be censored and how much it's going to cost me to make you go away. By the way, where are you whenever Paris Hilton darkens the phosphous tubes of my television? Why can't I get rid of that?"

I really hope the fears of '24' being watered down aren't real...

CANOE -- JAM! Television: Islamic group wants '24' disclaimer

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