Monday, April 09, 2007

Here and There...

Nothin' much of note here...been drawing a blank on blog posts lately, plus got some stuff to do here in life to take care of, hence the sporadic blogging...

One thing of note - the NY Islanders won their game against NJ in a shootout. That means they're in the playoffs and the Toronto Maple Laughs are out. What a shock. Note to Toronto - playing just barely good enough to get into the playoffs doesn't mean you're going to. I still think this is a good thing for the Leafs. If they had made it in, it would have been status quo and no need for change - they would have made the playoff gate money, gone out in the 1st or 2nd round, and management would have been happy. Now that they missed for 2 years, heads might roll. Start with the GM...

Oh, and Grindhouse came out on the weekend to the tune of 4th place at the box office, a low 11.5 million, and divided reviews. I haven't seen it yet, but it seems most everyone agrees that Rodriguez's half is a great wild ride, but Tarantino's half is where people are coldy divided. Some think it's brilliant, and some think it was so boring. It's apparently not a steady action piece - it's more of a slow burn talky thinker ending with a slam bang car chase. If you've seen QT's inspiration for Death Proof - which was Vanishing Point (and I have seen it) - then it starts to make some sense. But with all Tarantino's movies, they tend to be love it or hate it flicks and the more you know about the obscure movies he references, the better you'll like it. Maybe I can get out on cheapy Tuesdays and see this 3 hour movie marathon...

Comments on "Here and There..."


Blogger Eaglewing said ... (April 10, 2007 3:06 PM) : 

they do. Planet Terror is first, then QT's Death Proof. Most reviewers seemed to think it lost all its momentum because of that. But then, a QT movie without a lot of talking doesn't exist...


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