Friday, December 23, 2005

Quote of the Day...

Was surfing through some message boards and this was a tag on someone's post. It's a quote from the show Due South from Fraser, and it's a good one. I'm surprised anyone get's along with anyone at all here in Canada. On second thought, maybe that's why we do - nobody has any clue what anybody else is saying...

"In Canada, we have more than a passing familiarity with confusion. We're comprised of 10 provinces and 3 territories communicating across 6 time zones in 2 official languages. The English don't understand the French, the French don't understand the English, and the Inuit quite frankly couldn't give a damn about either of them. Added to the equation is the Assembly of First Nations with a total of 633 seperate Indian bands, speaking 180 sub-dialects among their 50 linguistic groups; and as if that weren't enough there are some fishermen on the East coast with a remarkably whimsical accent." -- Benton Fraser

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