Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sleep deprivation

...what a wreck of a night. I couldn't buy sleep! It was like Bill Gates at a Linux convention looking for XP Pro...ok, bad reference, but I am barely upright, so take it as you will. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's rest, so I am going to get one tonight no matter what it takes! So there. End rant.

Watched the 5th ep of '24' last night. Good show. Now that's how you build a cliffhanger and make people want to come back next week. It's only the 5th show, so they'd be excused if they were still building plot, which they are, but to set it up giving Jack basically 10 minutes to complete the rescue in the next ep is pretty cool. I figure it'll all be changed in the next ep, cause they have to drag this story arc further I would think, but either way, nice writing. I had thought the previous ep was more or less filler, but the staged robbery actually was quite consequential to a plot point that happened in the 5th ep. Each part led to something else which turned the pace on its ear and led to the cliffhanger last night. Nicely done. As a hobbyist writer myself, I like seeing how good writing comes together like that. Can't wait for next weeks ep.

anyway, back to work I goeth. oh yes, absolutely thrilled - not. nothing like the challenge of making old hardware work with new software (hence the XP crack) on very little sleep. maybe I'll cross a wire and blow the whole thing up :)

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